Programme 1
...there was something wonderful in his expression besides the beauty and originality of his ideas
Czerny on Beethoven’s improvisations
Programme 2
Beethoven’s music awakens precisely that infinite longing which is the essence of Romanticism
ETA Hoffmann
Programme 3
And the heavenly it refreshes, this feeling of rich and boundless plenitude
Schumann on Schubert
Programme 4
...a new Romanticism proclaiming passionate devotion and longing
Moscheles on Schumann
Programme 5
Chopin came. Florestan rushed to meet him. I saw them walking arm in arm, but it was
as though they were floating on clouds
Schumann on meeting Chopin
Programme 6
I feel the air of another planet... ich fühle luft von anderem planeten....
Stefan George (Entrückung,1907)